Episode 029 – Haunted Mansion 40th


In this episode, Scott and Tracey finally answer Disney’s marketing department’s question of what will you celebrate this year!  They have chosen to celebrate the Haunted Mansion’s 40th anniversary.

They take a look back at the history of the attraction, do a compare and contrast of the Disneyland and Walt Disney World versions and take a look at the Haunted Mansion Holiday.

They also continue the Holidays Around the World Throughout the Year with a visit to the Morocco Pavilion.

Welcome to Disney, Indiana . . . Foolish Mortals!

Haunted Mansion Holiday Soundtrack
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Don’t Look in the Podcast
Don’t Peek in the Podcast

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Podcast Pickle: http://www.podcastpickle.com/ViewPodcast.php?id=45343
Disney Community of Tomorrow: http://www.d-cot.com
Reedy Creek Radio: http://www.live365.com/chickenhair

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