Disney, Indiana co-host Scott climbs aboard his personal spacecraft, the Liberty 1, to make a return trip to the Monster Kid Radio podcast to discuss the 1970 film Beneath the Planet of the Apes. His mission on MKR is to guide host Derek M. Koch on his first journey through the Planet of the Apes Franchise.
In part one of the Beneath the Planet of the Apes coverage, Scott and Derek talk about what went on behind the scenes to product this movie and discuss why this film was suppose to end the franchise. MKR episode 219: Going Beneath the Planet of the Apes with Scott Morris contains part one.
In part two, Scott and Derek get into the story of Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Along the way, the entire plot of the film is spoiled and Derek’s mind is blown. MRK episode 220: Still Beneath the Planet of the Apes with Scott Morris contains part two.