Welcome to the sixth episode of Disney, Indiana! In this episode, Tracey and Scott explore the world of Disney cover songs. They head over to tune-town records to count down their 5 favorite covers, even if one of the co-hosts can’t quite narrow the list to five!
While at the record store, they also review the 2008 release Faith Trust and Pixie Dust from Broadway star Kerry Butler.
Then our host reveal the details of the very first Disney, Indiana contest! Open to residents of Disney, Indiana only, so make sure you stake your claim soon as there as been a population explosion in Disney, Indiana!
Our hosts then tune into Buzzy this week, but unfortunately the songs this week are not available for sale. To make up for that, most of the albums mentioned in the countdown are, so here are links to purchase them:
* Disney’s Music from the Park
* Disney Mania
* Dive into Disney
* Da Vinci’s Notebook – Bendy’s Law
* Disney’s Dog Songs
* Stay Awake: Various Interpretations of Music from Vintage Disney Films
* Harry Connick, Jr. – Songs I Heard
* O Mickey, Where Art Thou?
* Kerry Butler – Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
They wrap up the show with welcoming several new residents of Disney, Indiana, listener feedback from their previous Question Time, and pose a new theme-related Question for their listeners.
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