
Here are several promotional graphics for our show if you would like to display them on your website.  If you wish to use one, please have it link back to our home page: – Thank You!

A 144×144 version:

A 300×300 version:

A 600×600 version:

Audio Promos

1) This is the first promo ever for the Disney, Indiana podcast.  It features our theme song and a description of the show. 


2) Promo number 2 is in two parts and it’s a parody of a Mail Order Zombie promo.  MOZ created a promo that part one was one co-host’s reaction to the zombies taking over and the second was the other co-host’s reaction.  Well, here at Disney, Indiana we had a little fun with that idea.  If you wish to use this one, please play both halves of the promo with some other content in-between.
Part One:

Part Two:


3) Promo number 3 is the podcast breakdown promo.  Our tribute to the breakdown spiels at the Disney parks.


4) Promo number 4 – Celebrates Marvel and Lucas Arts becoming part of Disney.


If you have a promo of your podcast you would like us to play on our show, please send it to We are a clean podcast and can only play clean podcast promos.

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