Off Topic: Granny and the Hole by Derek M. Koch

A bit off topic, but still wanted to pass this along. Very good friend, who podcasts with Scott over at 1951 Down Place, allows him and Tracey to show up from time to time on Mail Order Zombie and resident here in Disney, Indiana (214 IllumiNations Drive) has released a new zombie short story.

We know that Derek has been working very hard on this story and it’s one we both highly recomend. If you like a good zombie story to give you a break from all this pixie dust – check this one out – only 1.29 right now at Amazon!


Derek M. Koch, producer of the long-running zombie movie podcast Mail Order Zombie, released his zombie short story “Granny and the Hole” on June 3, 2012. The story, a tale of a man who refuses to let death stand in the way of a relationship between his mother-in-law and his daughter, is available for Amazon Kindle as part of the Kindle Select program, or for purchase for $1.29.

In addition to producing Mail Order Zombie, Koch has directed an award-winning zombie short film, appeared as a character in other authors’ zombie stories, and has seen his own zombie stories previously released in other publishers’ anthologies. “Granny and the Hole” is the first story released by Koch’s Black Sombrero Publishing.

“Granny and the Hole” can be found on at “Granny and the Hole” will be released for other e-reader formats later this year.

About Derek M. Koch

Derek M. Koch lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife, his cats and his zombie movie collection which forms the basis of the award-winning podcast Mail Order Zombie ( The movie collection is for the podcast. His wife is “patiently” supportive. The cats are waiting for dinner. He can be found online at his website Plan D at

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