Disney, Indiana Episode 417 – The Man (Men) Behind the Brand

In today’s show, our hosts – Tracey and Scott will be talking about their recent visit to the Walt Disney Family Museum and a couple of other Disney connections they found in northern California. They will also share some info about the History Channel Series How Disney Built America, as well as their thoughts on the show. Along the way they’ll call over to the Main Street Cinema before wrapping up the episode.

Welcome to Disney, Indiana!

Photo Gallery
Disney, Indiana Flickr Walt Disney Family Museum Photo Gallery

Links Mentioned
Walt Disney Family Museum Official Site

SFGate (09/27/2009): Disney museum a lesson for building in Presidio

How Disney Built America Official Site

Disney 100: The Exhibition

Star Wars and SDI: Defending America and the Galaxy

Star Wars and the Dykstraflex

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Email: podcast@disneyindiana.com
Voice Mail Line: (260)-3DI-CAST (334-2278).
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