In today’s episode, our hosts, Tracey and Scott pay tribute to Disney’s “Ultimate Celebration of Classic Movies” – The Great Movie Ride, which closes for good the day of this episode’s release. They share two different ridethrus of the attraction – one from 2012 and one from 2014, and in-between, provide an in-depth exploration of the development and behind the scenes information about this opening-day attraction. Scott and Tracey also call over to the Main Street Cinema and wrap up the show with some information about upcoming local events and a peek at the next episode.
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Links Mentioned
The Mickey Wiki: The Great Movie Ride
All Ears: WDW Chronicles: Stories of The Great Movie Ride
Snopes: Casablanca Plane in Great Movie Ride
The Muppet Wiki: The Great Muppet Movie Ride
Indy Disney Meet Facbebook Page
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